Our Story

Created by avid horse trainer, Andrea Cao, Andrea Equine is a high quality western horse tack and apparel brand that offers style, quality, and durability.
The Roots.
Our brand started with simply a young girl and her passion for horses. Running her horse training and colt starting business on the central coast of California, Andrea has been using clinician branded tack for years. While she loved the quality and feel of these horsemen's products, she was fed up with their ridiculous prices. Looking for generic and more economical options, she didn't find the right feel or quality that matched the expensive clinician tack. Frustrated by the lack of quality horse tack at reasonable prices, Andrea knew there needed to be a change.
Combining her experience and mentorship from "Shark Tank" with her horse training expertise, she made it a goal to fix this problem. After years of research and development of the right products, feel, colors, and designs, Andrea Equine was born. Aiming to fill the gap in the market, we offer true clinician quality natural horsemanship tack that is a fraction of the price.
Responsible Sourcing.
But great products were only part of the goal. The horse industry not only needed a change on the customer side with quality and prices, it needed an overhaul deep within the roots of manufacturing and management.
Through her research, Andrea found that lots of mainstream horse tack brands weren't even owned by real or knowledgeable horse people. Equipment that goes on and inside your horse should be developed with years of care and experience; yet these brands were churning out products that cut corners and weren't designed with the horse in mind.
Even more surprisingly, most tack that was marketed as "quality" and "handmade" came from unknown sweatshops in India or Pakistan. After reaching out, we found that none of these equestrian brands audited for ethical manufacturing or guaranteed living wages. In fact, they couldn't give us any information at all. Who was to make sure workers were paid fairly and had safe working conditions?
This needed to change. Andrea flew around the country meeting with manufacturers of all kinds and slowly developed a supply chain family. We work with family businesses and teams that handcraft all of our products with American materials in safe conditions and pay fair, living wages.
We hope that we inspire other brands to make this change as well.
Love > Profit.
This brand has always been for the horses and the people. It was never built on the motivation of monetary gain, it was built to inspire radical change and create a killer community of equestrians that are devoted to bettering their horsemanship and themselves. This realization inspired the decision to donate a large portion of the earnings we generate to help horses and riders in need. We've been stoked to be able to donate to causes and organizations such as:
-Families and ranches displaced due to the late 2018 and 2020 California fires
-Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
-American Red Cross
-CAF America
-charity: water
-Stanford Equestrian
-Therapeutic riding programs
-Truly impactful horse rescue and rehabilitation
(we're currently partnering with some of our supported organizations and working on something super exciting. Check back later!)
If you know of or represent an impactful and meaningful organization, please reach out to us at info@andreaequine.com. We'd love to explore partnership, support, and donation.